Monday, November 10, 2008

Kian Waves Hello

I'm not sure, but I think he flashes a gang sign near the end of the video.

We are excited to meet "the Kiwi" (his first official nickname) He will have and already has many nicknames. Those already monikered: The Boy, Wiggle Worm, Fred Astaire, Rocky, The Parasite, The Alien. Many of these refer to his highly active en utero antics.

"Kiwi" is of course a play on his name. No decision yet as to whether it applies to the fruit or the bird. This should depending on his hair condition at birth.

Lots of wild hair= Bird

More fuzz = Fruit

No Fuzz = Bird Egg.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Kian is a very cute name! Congrates on #2. He looks like he's going to be adorible.